10 Signs to Decide for Your Roof Replacement

Your roof gives protection to yourself and your loved ones. It is one of the most essential parts of your home, protecting you from harsh weather conditions, and keeping you and your loved ones safe. Sadly, your roof could wear and tear. Unfortunately, worn, and torn roof leads to leaks and water damage.

Well, do not be weary, for ASAP Roof Repair cares!  We care for your safety and your loved ones’ security. ASAP Roof Repair cares for your roof. We guide you to decide when to conduct roof replacement and roof repair. So, here are the ten signs ASAP Roof Repair put together to help you identify when to replace your roof.

  1. Age. 20-year-old roof and above might be near the end of its lifespan. Harsh weather conditions like in Houston could affect the lifespan of your roof. It’s time to think about your roof’s age.
  2. A poorly insulated or damaged roof could increase energy costs as your HVAC system works more to keep a pleasant temperature. We do not want to stress ourselves over an excessive energy bill.
  3. Lost / Damaged Shingles. Have you counted all the shingles over your head? This is not an idiom, but a reminder to keep an eye out for missing, cracked, or curling shingles. These can make your roof prone to leaks and water damage. We do not want to lose count of our sleeping hours if we notice water leaks and damages at night due to lost shingles, do you?
  4. Leaks / Water Stains. This is what we’re talking about! Water leaks affect our sleep, for it bothers us to look up at our ceiling or even at the walls with water stains. Probably your roof is compromised and, thus, needs immediate attention.
  5. Gutter Granules. Your gutter needs attention, too. Check out if granules from your shingles accumulate in your gutters. Act it out to remove them before they provide indications of advanced wear and tear on your roof.
  6. Mold / Moss Growth. For people whose skin is dry, moisturizers are effective to apply. Yet, that’s not the case for our roof. Excess moisture could cause mold and moss to grow. This growth could compromise the integrity of your roof over time. As we check out our skin, let’s check our roof as well.
  7. Exposed Fiberglass. The roof shows deterioration of shingles which gives a visible fiberglass matting. This is usually the white cast portion in between shingles.
  8. Rotting / Decaying Roof Accessories. Vents or flashing indicates that your roof needs immediate attention. That’s it. Should we give you more idioms? Your roof accessories are decaying, so no need for idioms or figurative language to be said. Take an action. Be ready for a roof repair!
  9. Drooping Roof Deck. Well, this is serious. A soft spot roof deck is a serious issue. So, reach out to ASAP Roof Repair for a prompt intervention. We could prevent further structural damage. Trust us!
  10. Neighborhood Roof Replacement. And this is not a competition. If any of your neighbors are replacing roofs, maybe it’s time for you to do the same. You decide. And once you do, ASAP Roof Repair is 24/7 ready to respond to your emergency.

There you go. Ten signs to decide for your roof replacement. If you notice these signs, just reach out to ASAP Roof Repair at office@asaproofrepair.com or call us at 281-823-7250. Our team of experienced technicians can schedule your maintenance appointment and keep your roof strong, sturdy, and reliable no matter the weather. With our experience and commitment to outstanding craftsmanship, we’ll ensure that your home remains safe, secure, and protected for years.